Panasonic delays production of new Tesla battery to improve performance
国外松下公司周三表示,由特斯拉首席执行官伊隆·马斯克倡导的 4680 电池的商业生产将推迟到 2024 年 4 月至 9 月期间,比原计划晚,目的是为了研究如何进一步提高性能。
Panasonic said on Wednesday that it will delay the commercial production of its 4680 battery cells championed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk and begin operations during the April to September period in 2024, later than previously scheduled, as the company aims to improve their performance.
原计划是在 2023 年 4 月至 2024 年 3 月之间开始为特斯拉量产。
Tesla"s Japanese supplier, Panasonic, previously planned to start volume production for Tesla between April 2023 to March 2024.
松下公司表示,大规模生产改在 2025 财年上半年,这样可以有更多的时间改进性能,增强竞争力。Mass production rescheduled to begin during 1H FY3/25 to introduce performance improvement measures that will further enhance competitiveness," Panasonic said on its earnings presentation materials, referring to the first half of the fiscal year ending March 2025.
松下在国外和歌山的工厂正在试运行 4680 生产线,而特斯拉自己也已经在生产 4680 电池。马斯克称 4680 电池是制造更便宜、更吸引人的电动汽车的关键。 但目前其电池生产和性能都难以达到目标。
Panasonic is running a pilot 4680 production line at its Wakayama factory in Japan, while Tesla is already producing the 4680 battery cells, which Musk has touted as being key to making cheaper and compelling electric cars. But the carmaker struggled to meet its targets for production and performance of the cells.
特斯拉高管在最近的一次电话会议上表示,该公司计划在明年皮卡投产之前会稳步提高 4680 电池的产量。 特斯拉目前只在 Model Y 基本款中使用这种电池。
Tesla executive Drew Baglino said at a recent conference call that the company plans to steadily ramp production of 4680 battery cells ahead of Cybertruck production next year. Tesla currently uses the cells in a base Model Y.
特斯拉在加利福尼亚州和德克萨斯州的工厂都有 4680 电池生产,截至 2023 年底,他们每周生产的电池够 1000 多辆汽车使用,相当于德州工厂年产能的五分之一左右。
Tesla, which makes 4680 battery cells at its factories in California and Texas, said they were producing them for more than 1,000 cars per week as of the end of 2023, equivalent to about one-fifth of the annual production capacity at its Texas factory.
另外,特斯拉的国外供应商LG Energy Solution上个月表示,计划今年年底在国外建立一条新的4680生产线,但没有说明电池何时开始量产。
Tesla"s South Korean supplier LG Energy Solution said last month that it planned to set up a new 4680 production line at its domestic factory by the end of this year, but did not say when the batteries would start volume production.
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